Monday 28 April 2014


Matthew Henry comments, “Lack and poverty are a great temptation to discontent and unbelief, and the use of unlawful means for our relief, under the pretence that necessity has no law.” 

I was recently was at a meeting where the speaker made the comment that if she had to, she would steal to feed her kids. Then this person asked someone else in the room (who she knew to be a Christian) if she agreed with her..... She didn't ask me, though.

I do not agree. What comes to mind is Jesus teaching his disciples in Matthew 6:

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’
32 ...your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Part of my "new journey" has consisted of learning not to worry about my finances. When I let go and trust Him, there is always enough to cover my bills at the end of the month. It is however, a growing process with the temptation to worry creeping up every so often.  If I let myself worry, though, my path gets blurry and I lose my direction.  I just need to keep trusting in Him.

Sunday 27 April 2014

Stay Focused

Matthew 14

28 "Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

29 “Come,” he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?

Peter desired to do what Jesus was doing. He desired something miraculous.
He didn't ask the universe to tell him to come out on the water. He asked Jesus.

Jesus told Peter to come and Peter DID do something miraculous. He DID walk on the water as Jesus was doing.

Then he started noticing the things that were going on around him and started to worry about them, instead of keeping focused on Jesus, and Peter started to sink.

He called out to Jesus and Jesus Immediately caught him. Then Jesus asked Peter why he doubted.

The universe didn't catch him and stop him from sinking. Jesus did. The universe didn't help him do something miraculous. Jesus did. What happened when he stopped focusing on Jesus and stopped believing? Peter started to sink. Peter started to focus on what was going on around him, the tempest and the troubles. He let Doubt creep in and he started to sink, but Jesus was right there to save him as soon as he called out.

Don't shift your focus to the troubles all around you. Don't let doubt creep in. It robs you of the miraculous that can happen in your life. Keep calling out to Jesus. Keep your focus on Him and let Him touch your life.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Weekend Smiles

Extra Cute Visitor

Last weekend we were blessed with company for the weekend, six people ranging in age from 60 something to 30 something to teenage and pre-teen (plus a cute toy pomeranian to boot).

While whipping up a super-fantastical breakfast this morning I had two young ladies graciously help me by licking the whip cream beaters and another lady graciously help me by making the toast.

Becca (on licking the beaters): Well I think I'm done. I can't find another drop!

Super Fantastical Breakfast

Here's a picture of them "visiting" this morning while I was making breakfast.


You must be born again. (John 3:7)

"Regeneration is a subject which lies at the very basis of salvation, and we should be very diligent to pay careful attention that we really are "born again," for there are many who think they are, but are not.

Be assured that the name of a Christian is not the nature of a Christian; and that being born in a Christian land, and being recognized as professing the Christian religion is of no avail whatsoever, unless there is something more added to it; being "born again" is a matter so mysterious, that human words cannot describe it. "The wind blows where it wants, and you hear the sound of it, but you can't tell where it comes from or where it goes: so is every one that is born of the Spirit." 

Nevertheless, it is a change that is known and felt: known by works of holiness, and felt by a gracious experience. This great work is supernatural. It is not an operation that a man performs for himself: a new principle is infused, that works in the heart, renews the soul, and affects the his entire being.

It is not a change of my name, but a renewal of my nature, so that I am not the man I used to be, but a new man in Christ Jesus. To wash and dress a corpse is a far different thing from bringing it to life: man can do the one, only God can do the other. 

If you have then, been "born again," your acknowledgment will be, "O Lord Jesus, everlasting Father, you are my spiritual Parent; if your Spirit had not breathed into me the breath of a new, holy, and spiritual life, I would have been 'dead in trespasses and sins'  to this day. My heavenly life is wholly derived from you, it is attributed to you. My life is hidden with Christ in God. "It is no longer me who lives, but Christ who lives in me." May the Lord enable us to be well assured on this vital point, for to be unregenerated is to be unsaved, unpardoned, without God, and without hope."

~ Charles Spurgeon (paraphrased)

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Trust in Him

I recently attended a session on Painting Words of Life". The scripture we were given was:

Proverbs 3:5-6

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.

I selected colours I like, which are blues and purples and pinks.

As I started painting a thin layer for the background. I could see the texture of my canvas board because I had watered down my paint. I remembered, in the past, being told that good paintings don't have the canvas showing through.

In my mind I questioned, "Should I change it?"

The answer I got was, "No, just leave it. It's ok if your background and where you came from shows through. It greatly affects you, and shapes your life and who you become."

Next I started to draw a line with a magenta colour which became the trunk of a tree and a root. Next I started to paint purple leaves on the branches.

Now, remember, my colours were all blues and purples and pinks, so this was not looking like your normal tree. As I thought about this, I thought about how we don't have to be what everyone expects us to be. My tree doesn't have to be painted how people think is the "right" way. We are all unique. Who is to say that deep inside you aren't a purple tree with blue leaves?

As I painted flowers on the branches, each branch had different flowers. This is how we all are, diverse. I also added a small bush that looked very unique, with blue leaves.

My water jar was becoming this really pretty, light purple colour, so I mixed that colour and I painted a straight beam stretching from sky to ground and to sea, to the depths of the earth. This represents Jesus as purple signifies royalty and He is steadfast and sure, strong and unwavering. We can always trust He will be there for us to lean on, no matter where.

Then I added some new plants that are just starting to grow and are reaching toward Jesus as they grow. 

We are to trust in Him. Jesus is always there for us, no matter where we are. He is always strong for us to lean on.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

A Little Reminder...

I am a Jewelry artist and I have been making and selling my jewelry for five years This past summer I organized a big celebration with lots of family and friends attending. 

Someone at the party made the comment, "I bet you see a lot of your jewelry here."

I took a look around the room and started recognizing my jewelry pieces on a lot of my guests.  I had forgotten a lot of those pieces and forgotten just how much jewelry I had already made.

Now thinking back and remembering this, warms my heart It pleases me to think that I was able to do something that brought happiness to that many people

Sometimes we all need just a little reminder of the pleasure we brought to someone else's  life.


For me, cilantro is a victory! I know it sounds weird. Let me explain.

Have you ever had a word that you really struggled with? Well, I have. "Cilantro."

For well over ten years Every time I would try to recall that word, it just would not come to me. I would struggle and struggle and struggle to say it, but it just would not come to my mind. 

Recently I've seen signs of improvement in my ability to remember things. The other day when I was thinking about it, the word "cilantro" came to my mind in only about three seconds! Since then, I have had no hesitation anytimeI try to recall the word "cilantro". It may not sound like much, but to me this is HUGE!

That's why "cilantro" is a victory. Cilantro, cilantro, cilantro!! Yay!

What's Good About Bad?

One of the exercises I was given to strategize for the new year, was to go over things that happened last year, both good and bad, and think about what was good in all of them. It's easy to pick out the good In the good things that happened but what about the bad things that happened? What's good about bad?

Well, when bad things happen I always learn something from the experience. When bad things are happening I always pray (to God, not the universe) and ask, "What am I supposed to be learning from this?"

I was at a tradeshow last year where I hardly sold anything. The show was three days long, so my days where very slow. Instead of being depressed and discouraged, I looked around and really studied other people's booths to see what was working for them. I spent the three hour drive home thinking about new ideas for my own booth. Even though the show was not profitable in the monetary sense, I considered it very beneficial. I found good in the bad.

One Scripture that has been very meaningful in my life is Romans 8:28: 

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."

This has reassured me many times when things aren't working out as I hoped. I know that nothing that happens is in vain. There is a purpose and that purpose will be for my good in the long run. This helps me to see the positive in things or the possibility of the positive in things.

Don't focus on the negative. Look for good things in the bad.

Winning That "Discussion"

Do you know someone who always has to win an argument (err...discussion)? Are you that person, that always has to be right? 

Take a look at the motive here. Is the argument (or discussion) taking place because of concern for the other person or is it just two people each insisting that he or she is right? If it is the latter, this is pride and pride does not make you right.

Is proving you are right more important that preserving a relationship or showing compassion to someone who may be hurting? Is it more important to defend yourself than to look at the big picture, listen to someone or try to understand where their actions are coming from?

Instead of insisting that you are right, try not saying anything at all. Arguing or proving you are right isn't doing you or the other person any good. Stop sacrificing a relationship for the sake of your pride. Stop focusing on yourself and try to get insight as to what the other person is experiencing or going through. Show compassion for the other person.

I believe there are no coincidences and I don't believe that the reason for a "discussion" is for me to cut someone else down. I believe it is an opportunity to help someone or build them up. I just hope I am able to pay attention and stop focusing on me.

Choosing Not to Accept An Offense

One thing I've learned recently is that I have a choice of whether or not I get offended by someone's actions. I can actually choose to accept something as an offense or not. When I choose to be offended I am actually letting bitterness creep in and take root.

Accepting something as an offense is actually weakening myself. I'm allowing myself to feel attacked. 

It is up to me to recognize this, when it is happening and consciously stop myself from accepting someone's actions as an offense. In other words, choose not to be offended, forgive them and don't let bitterness start to take root, because bitterness is like a poison in your life.

Last Call, Intermission's Over, Got Your Attention?

The other day when I was in the shower the light in the bathroom flickered off and then back on again, as if someone had reached inside the door and turned the light switch off and then on again. I was certain I had locked the door so I quickly peeked out of the shower to be certain the door was closed and it was . 

About a minute later the light flickered off and then back on again. Again I peeked out of the shower to make sure the door it was still shut and it was. I realized it must have been the power and I chuckled at my thinking someone had been playing a trick on me.

I thought about how the flickering light was similar to the warning you get at a show with an intermission, to let you know the intermission is over and the show is about to begin again. The lights are briefly dimmed to get your attention.

That got me thinking about things that happen in our lives to get our attention. Often these things are unpleasant, such as a loss or a near miss, or witnessing someone else experience these.

I've experienced a few of these "Got Your Attention?" wake-up calls. The important thing is to recognize them and figure out what you changes you need to make in your life. Then make those changes!

Unequally Yoked

There is a scripture tells us do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14 ) What exactly does that mean?

First, what does the word "yoke" mean? A yoke, by definition, is a wooden bar or frame to join two animals (like oxen) to work together, sharing a load. Joining the two animals together makes it possible to complete tasks that are too much for just one animal.

The scripture tells us not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers, meaning Christians not to be yoked together or joined together with unbelievers or non-Christians. If you picture a pair of oxen, yoked together, walking together, pulling a load together, they are equally yoked. Picture those two oxen, both trying to pull different directions. Not only does the job not get done, but the animals are pulling against one another, each making it more difficult for the other.

We are told in Scripture not to be unequally yoked. Many already know this refers to marriage of a believer to a nonbeliever, but that's not all it refers to. It also refers to joining yourself to someone, as a business partner or partners in anything. If you go back to the picture of the two oxen both trying to pull in different directions, that is what it is like when you have two people with different beliefs each trying to steer their partnership in the direction of their own belief. What you end up with is two people pulling in different directions, not accomplishing their goal and causing a lot of stress and heartache along the way.

I recently was reminded of this scripture when I had to sever a business connection. Afterwards I realized how unhealthy this connection has been. The lesson I learned from all of this was to being more discerning and check things out more closely before taking on business partners or joining a home-based business.

Laughing At Yourself

"Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they will never cease to be amused."

This quote was In a paper . Even the quote makes me laugh.

In our house there is a lot of laughter. Don't get me wrong. Things rarely go perfectly but often we are able to see the humor in a lot of situations, even when things don't go perfectly or when things are unexpected. 

Often the humor in an unexpected situation provides more laughter and is remembered longer than other humorous things. We just love to laugh and we enjoy each other's company. Most of all we are able to laugh at ourselves and see humour in situations that are not always favourable to us.

Some people are wound up so tight and are so focused on being perfect that they miss out on a lot of joy. They don't know how to laugh at themselves and can't see the humor in situations. They beat themselves up if they make a mistake, Instead of just relaxing and enjoying life and the joy that is around them, even in their mistakes.

All I can say is encourage these people. Help them to see the humor in situations. Help them to learn to laugh at themselves by following your example. Have fun, enjoy and laugh!

Thursday 23 January 2014

True Praise and Worship

What is the Difference between Praise and Worship? 

I found the following explanation in this article, What is the Difference Between Praise and Worship? by Michael S. Houdmann.

"Praise is the joyful recounting of all God has done for us. It is closely intertwined with thanksgiving as we offer back to God appreciation for his mighty works on our behalf. 

Praise is universal and can be applied to other relationships as well. We can praise our family, friends, boss or paperboy. Praise does not require anything of us. It is merely the truthful acknowledgment of the righteous acts of another. Since God has done many wonderful deeds He is worthy of praise (Psalm 18:3).

Worship however comes from a different place within our spirits. Worship should be reserved for God alone (Luke 4:8). Worship is the art of losing one's self in the adoration of another. Praise can be a part of worship but worship goes beyond praise

Praise is easy; worship is not. Worship gets to the heart of who we are. To truly worship God, we must let go of our self-worship. We must be willing to humble ourselves before God, surrender every part of our lives to His control, and adore Him for who He is, not just what He has done. Worship is a lifestyle, not just an occasional activity. Jesus said the Father is seeking those who will worship Him "in spirit and in truth" (John 4:23).

In scripture praise is usually presented as boisterous joyful and uninhibited. God invites praise of all kinds from His creation. When the Bible mentions worship however the tone changes. Often worship is coupled with the act of bowing or kneeling which shows humility and contrition (2 Chronicles 29:28; Hebrews 11:21; Revelation 19:10). It is through true worship that we invite the Holy Spirit to speak to us, convict us and comfort us. Through worship we realign our priorities with God and acknowledge him once more as the rightful Lord of our lives.

Just as praise is intertwined with thanksgiving, worship is intertwined with surrender. It is impossible to worship God and anything else at the same time. Wise worship leaders know how to structure a worship service to allow participants to both praise and worship the Lord. Often services begin with joyous praise songs and transition to a quieter, more introspective opportunity for worship.

Worship is an attitude of the heart. A person can go through the outward motions and not be worshiping. God sees the heart and He desires and deserves sincere, heartfelt praise and worship."

The reason I searched for this article is because these questions have been on my heart:

How often do you hear Jesus' name in your praise and worship? 
How often is Jesus exalted, instead of only  "feeling Him near us" or "being thankful for the beautiful things around us to enjoy" or "how WE feel" or "WE are with Him"? 
When is our praise and worship glorifying and worshiping Him, acknowledging His holiness and focusing on Him and not us?

Is our contemporary worship directed more at being popular with people? 
Is there a push to get more people to come to church by making the music more enjoyable? 
Are we truly worshiping Jesus or are we just enjoying a performance?

I believe true worship prepares our hearts and spirit to really listen to God and to receive from Him.

A Real Man

I am sharing this from the All True Men post on Facebook on January 17, 2014. It is also very good.

A Real Man

A real man is the kind of man a woman wants to give her life to.
A real man will respect her dignity.
A real man will not tempt a woman.

A real man will not persuade a lady to go against her conscience.
A real man will save himself only for his lady.
A real man will love her for who she is - with all her faults and flaws, as well as beauties and talents.

A real man will honor his lady like the valuable treasure she is.
A real man will not attempt to rip her precious pearl from its protective shell or persuade her with charm to give him her treasure before its time.

A real man will wait patiently and fight valiantly, until she willingly gives him the prize of her heart.
A real man will cherish and care for that prize forever.
A real man does not make his lady jealous of other women, but instead makes other women jealous of his lady. But above all, a real man loves the LORD with all his heart, mind, and strength. He loves Him more than he loves his lady. And dedicates his life to living for Him and pushing his lady closer to their Savior.

A real man tries to imitate Christ in all his ways - with humbleness, lovingly, gentle, kind...
A real man prays daily.

Girls, if the man you like, have a crush on, or are currently dating, does not match up to these should-be-requirements-for-every-possible-interest...I can promise you that God has someone else much better out there for you. A real man who has your best interests at heart. A real man who puts God first and you second. A real man who loves you with the kind of love that only comes from above.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Just Talking

I read an article called "Just Talking" by JD Gunter a few months ago. I remember it was very good. It took me awhile to find it again but I am so thankful I did. It is about the stage in a relationship that is referred to as "just talking". This article totally echoes my thoughts and beliefs about how things are these days.

As the mother of a young single Christian lady, and I emphasize the word "lady" because to me that is the key, what I see these days causes me concern. I see a lack of respect for young women, and this includes inside the church as well. What I see is a lot of young fellows looking for a relationship or partner or marriage with the thought that it will make them happy.

I remember Mr. Collins, in the 2005 Pride and Prejudice movie. Before offering his marriage proposal to Elizabeth, he stated his reasons for desiring to get married. One of his reasons was that it would greatly add to his happiness. Elizabeth had no qualms about refusing his proposal and taking off out the door. She could see how unhappy it would make her.

If only young ladies today could recognize when a fellow is pursuing them to make himself happy rather than truly caring about her and or having her best interests at heart.

A fellow who pursues a young lady to make himself happy will most likely love himself more than her. This is not a good basis for a healthy relationship and if a relationship is not healthy, it stands a good chance of failing.

I may sound old-fashioned but one thing that sends up a red flag to me about whom a fellow puts first, is his behaviour when he picks up a young lady at her house. Does he:

A. stay in the car with the motor running?
B. sit in the car texting?
C. honk the horn? 
D. go to the door, ring the doorbell and go in to meet her parents?

Anything other than D shows he is putting himself first and C definitely creates the worst first impression on the lady's parents! What a lack of respect! By not showing any interest in meeting a lady's parents, the fellow shows he is more interested in himself. If she were important to him, meeting her parents would be important to him as well.

On the other hand, something that makes a good impression is opening the door for ladies, be it a door to a building or a car door. You get the picture. I know of only a couple of fellows my age who do this. Opening the door for a lady shows good upbringing and shows respect for the lady.

Ladies, you are worth SO much more than someone who puts himself first. You need to realize you are important and you deserve better than that. Don't accept or settle for less. It can be a very unhappy life when you are with someone who doesn't care enough about you or have your best interests at heart.  I will be sharing more on this in my next post "A Real Man".

I really wonder why these fellows aren't being taught to be men. They are obviously not learning it on their own or by osmosis. Why aren't people being taught to respect others and have respect for themselves?

I've lived in a community where children are taught, before they are even in school, to shake someone's hand in greeting. It is a simple sign of respect. How many people, do you know, teach their children to respect others? How many people, do you know, shake someone's hand in greeting, when it is not in a business setting?

Just some food for thought.


Thursday 9 January 2014


When someone is striving, trying hard to be successful, don't be discouraging when they hit a bump in the road. 

Don't be all negative with, "Well, I really didn't think it would work out..." or worse, "I told you so".
Encourage them! Don't be discouraging just because you don't think that something will be successful, or that something will happen.

Be encouraging with, "This is just a bump in the road, a hiccup. Look how far you've come already. Look at what you've accomplished. You've got the drive, the smarts, the potential to make this happen. You CAN do it!"

Just because you don't see something as possible, that doesn't mean it can't happen. I'm sure that people didn't believe that there was any need for an ark when Noah built it, but the flood did come.

Don't discourage; encourage. Open your mind to the possibility of something happening. Accept the possibility instead of the impossibility. 

If you can't say anything encouraging, just don't say anything. Whatever you do, don't be negative! Stop making things harder. Be a help, not a hindrance.

Wednesday 8 January 2014


"Winter, spring, summer, fall...everything has a season"

About four years ago I lost two very good friends, both in their very early 50's, and both in a three-month timeframe. After that I started to look at life very differently and started examine the value I placed on things: my job, my family, my time. Sometimes tragic loss will do that, really open your eyes.
One thing became crystal clear to me: you don't know how long you will have someone with you, so don't wait to let people know how much they mean to you. You may not have another opportunity. If you feel a nudge to tell someone you love them, do it. If you feel a nudge to tell someone you really appreciate them, do it. If you feel a nudge to tell someone that something they've done really means a lot to you, tell them. Share what's on your heart. Don't let pride get in your way. Everyone can use encouragement.
After I started looking at what was really important in life (and what was not so important), I made some BIG changes in my life. I left a company where I had worked for many years. Do I regret it? No. I know I made the right choice. I know this was the path I needed to take.
Do I miss my co-workers? Of course I do. These people were like family to me. I worked with MANY people in the company in the years I worked there. I still do not regret my decision. It was the right one for me.
What's interesting is that there have been many changes in the company since I left, including many staff retiring and many new staff being hired. The company that I left is no longer the same.
This has made me realize something else, that people are only in our lives for a season. Sometimes you are blessed with a long season, as I was at my old company where we were like a family. It doesn't last forever, though, so don't take it for granted. Consider it a blessing while you have it and be thankful for it. Always be thankful for the time you have with someone because you have no guarantee how long that season will be.


"My friend, we stand, two of a kind, laughing in the wind, lifting each other up, helping each other stand straight and tall, growing old together and blessing each other."

 True Friends

What are true friends? There are a lot of cards with fancy verses and lovely sentiments inside so this has probably been expressed many times. I don't mind saying it again, though.

True friends are those who are there for you when you need them, who put you first, when that is what is needed, those you depend on and those you know you can depend on. They are there for you to help you through the hard times, encourage you when you need it, and be truthful to you. True friends are those you can trust and be honest with.

A while ago, I was attending a meeting about a new business venture. I arrived a bit early and another person was there early as well. We struck up a conversation and shared a bit of information about ourselves while waiting for others to arrive.

When the meeting got started the business opportunity was presented. Low and behold my information that I had shared got worked right into the sales pitch! What I had thought was interest in me as a person was just interest in getting my information to use in a sales pitch.

Maybe that is the kind of friendship some people are satisfied with but I desire and treasure true friendships.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

The Envy Weed

The word "weed" makes me think of a plant that grows unwanted in my garden. If left unchecked it chokes out plants that I do want in my garden. It "interferes" with my goals for my garden.

That is exactly what "Envy" does, too. It "interferes" with my goals because it shifts my attention from what I want to accomplish. My attention and energy get off my goal and set off down another path. My focus shifts and accomplishing my goals becomes enormously difficult.

Like a root of Bitterness, Envy is a weed, that needs to be weeded out. In order to do that, you need to recognize it.

I don't think it is wrong to want the same types of things as other people have. In business, if we didn't have similar tools that others in the same industry have, we would be at a disadvantage. I think wanting the same types of things isn't necessarily envy. I think envy has a lot to do with our attitude.

That whiny, "I wish I had that" thought, does it sound familiar? I definitely have had that thought. I just never recognized it as Envy... until now. Something else that I recognize now as envy is that grumbly "must be nice!"

Envy is covetousness, number 10 on the Ten Commandments, the list of things we are commanded not to do.

When we allow ourselves to waste our energy and our happiness on "I wish I had that" we are throwing roadblocks in our path. Why make things more difficult for ourselves?

Throw all that away and get back on track and focus your energy on reaching your goals. Change your "I wish I had that" thoughts to "That would be a really nice thing to have!" or "That would be really nice to have a relationship like that or a person like that in my life!" Change your attitude, get rid of the whine and work towards achieving your goals, and dump a lot of unhappiness!

A New View of Prayer

Words for today that I picked out:

The Necessity of Prayer. The Lord intended to be conspicuous in our lives. He knows we have much need of prayer. We must not cease to pray.

Prayer is the lisping of the believing infant, the shout of the fighting believer, the requiem of the dying saint falling asleep in Jesus. It is the breath, the watchword, the comfort, the strength, the honour of a Christian.

Continue in Prayer

~ Charles Spurgeon

I like the thought of  prayer being the whispers of babies, and the attempted recitations of toddlers. I especially like the image of whisperings and prayers of the dying saint falling asleep in Jesus.

Prayer from the time we are babes till we take our last breath. In communication and relationship with God.

New Years Day Part 2: A Day of Reflection, White Salad and Memories

Grama's Fanciwork

After I got myself ready I spent the rest of the afternoon preparing one of my grandmother's special occasion dessert recipes to take to supper. The dessert, a fruit salad with a prepared dressing is called "White Salad". 
As I prepared the dessert I enjoyed many memories of my Grama. Though I was her only grandchild, she was "Grama" to many. She welcomed so many people to her home: our friends, my cousins, my aunts and uncles, our neighbours, their neighbours and the list goes on. She was a really special lady with a very giving heart.
She had vegetable gardens and flower gardens. She loved flowers and growing things. When she passed away, I made a point of counting all of her potted plants she had in her house. There were 152.
She loved to quilt and to do embroidery or "her fanciwork". She canned and froze the food from garden and always had a variety of cookies baked and in her freezer for serving when someone came to visit.

We used to play Crazy Whist in the evenings sometimes, with her best friend, who lived next door, and her granddaughter. We used to laugh a lot.
I remember how she always would proudly introduce me as her granddaughter, to all the ladies who served us in the grocery store and drug store. I didn't like being in the spotlight at the time, but I look back and feel honoured that such a special lady wanted to let people know I was so special to her.
I miss you, Grama and am so blessed to have had you in my life as long as I did.

Friday 3 January 2014

New Years Day Part 1: A Day of Reflection, White Salad and Memories

On New Years Day I spent most of the afternoon, quietly in thought. We were to have supper with my uncle and aunt who had been away at Christmas. 

As I started to get myself ready, thoughts came to me about the idea of "putting it out to the universe". I have heard that so much lately. What is that?

You write your "want" on a piece of paper and "put it out to the universe". Are you asking the universe to grant your wish?

The universe is a place I live, like my house or my city. I don't ask my house or my city to grant my wishes. I don't get it.

There are many places in the Bible were we are directed to ask God and we will receive. (Matthew 7:7-12, John 14: 13 - 16, James 4: 1-3).

What I wonder is this: The idea or suggestion of "putting it out to the universe" sounds like there is a belief in some sort of "higher power". Why is it so hard to acknowledge God? Is it because of "pride"? Is it because people are angry with God, because He isn't what their idea of God is? Have they really made a point of finding out who God really is ?

I find it much easier to believe in Our Creator (the creator of the universe), than in the universe (like my house or city) having some magic power to grant my wishes. It is much more fulfilling and life-filling to believe in God and pray to Him.