Wednesday 29 January 2014

Trust in Him

I recently attended a session on Painting Words of Life". The scripture we were given was:

Proverbs 3:5-6

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.

I selected colours I like, which are blues and purples and pinks.

As I started painting a thin layer for the background. I could see the texture of my canvas board because I had watered down my paint. I remembered, in the past, being told that good paintings don't have the canvas showing through.

In my mind I questioned, "Should I change it?"

The answer I got was, "No, just leave it. It's ok if your background and where you came from shows through. It greatly affects you, and shapes your life and who you become."

Next I started to draw a line with a magenta colour which became the trunk of a tree and a root. Next I started to paint purple leaves on the branches.

Now, remember, my colours were all blues and purples and pinks, so this was not looking like your normal tree. As I thought about this, I thought about how we don't have to be what everyone expects us to be. My tree doesn't have to be painted how people think is the "right" way. We are all unique. Who is to say that deep inside you aren't a purple tree with blue leaves?

As I painted flowers on the branches, each branch had different flowers. This is how we all are, diverse. I also added a small bush that looked very unique, with blue leaves.

My water jar was becoming this really pretty, light purple colour, so I mixed that colour and I painted a straight beam stretching from sky to ground and to sea, to the depths of the earth. This represents Jesus as purple signifies royalty and He is steadfast and sure, strong and unwavering. We can always trust He will be there for us to lean on, no matter where.

Then I added some new plants that are just starting to grow and are reaching toward Jesus as they grow. 

We are to trust in Him. Jesus is always there for us, no matter where we are. He is always strong for us to lean on.

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