Tuesday 7 January 2014

The Envy Weed

The word "weed" makes me think of a plant that grows unwanted in my garden. If left unchecked it chokes out plants that I do want in my garden. It "interferes" with my goals for my garden.

That is exactly what "Envy" does, too. It "interferes" with my goals because it shifts my attention from what I want to accomplish. My attention and energy get off my goal and set off down another path. My focus shifts and accomplishing my goals becomes enormously difficult.

Like a root of Bitterness, Envy is a weed, that needs to be weeded out. In order to do that, you need to recognize it.

I don't think it is wrong to want the same types of things as other people have. In business, if we didn't have similar tools that others in the same industry have, we would be at a disadvantage. I think wanting the same types of things isn't necessarily envy. I think envy has a lot to do with our attitude.

That whiny, "I wish I had that" thought, does it sound familiar? I definitely have had that thought. I just never recognized it as Envy... until now. Something else that I recognize now as envy is that grumbly "must be nice!"

Envy is covetousness, number 10 on the Ten Commandments, the list of things we are commanded not to do.

When we allow ourselves to waste our energy and our happiness on "I wish I had that" we are throwing roadblocks in our path. Why make things more difficult for ourselves?

Throw all that away and get back on track and focus your energy on reaching your goals. Change your "I wish I had that" thoughts to "That would be a really nice thing to have!" or "That would be really nice to have a relationship like that or a person like that in my life!" Change your attitude, get rid of the whine and work towards achieving your goals, and dump a lot of unhappiness!

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